Monday, September 7, 2020

Fall and Winter Programs


Sure, we have patrons and community members stopping by for a quick visit, but we miss having story and craft time. We miss having groups. We believe in protecting our community and being responsible as community members, so we are finding a way to reach out.

For our card holding members in good standing, we want to provide a little interaction. We will need some help doing this. And we will need a lot of understanding.

Starting September 12, 2020, we will have a monthly craft available for our juvenile patrons.

On Saturday, September 12th from 11-2, we will have a limited supply of our September Kids Craft. These are first come, first serve. Your child must be present and have their library card to receive one. (This craft is specified for 8 and up due to small parts.)

The Rules:

  1. Must be a card holding member in good standing.
  2. Only one craft per person. The child must be present with their library card.
  3. Understand that we have a limited supply and once they are gone, they are gone.

The Opportunity:

  • We would love for businesses or individuals to sponsor a month.
  • Or hope is to have a teen craft and a kids craft available monthly.
  • These craft kits are take and make. They are simple crafts.
  • We would love to include crafts for our older population as well. 
This opportunity is available because the community has always supported our library through volunteerism and donations. 

We do have a kids craft prepared for October. We are hoping to be able to encourage our community kids to have fun and enjoy. We also love feedback! While we are unable to do these crafts with you, we hope that you send us pictures of your completed projects!

In addition to the October craft, we will also be doing a costume contest for Halloween. More information about it will be forthcoming as we get into October.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Wrapping up August, Welcoming September

We have wrapped up August and jumping into September. This year is going by amazingly fast and extremely slow at the same time. What is important is that our library is here for our community and we love seeing our patrons.

For the month of August, we have had 220 people visit our library. We have welcomed 18 new patrons. This makes us excited to share our resources here at the Jennie Woodworth Library.

Our circulation in August was good as well:

  • 165 Books
  • 2 Audio Books
  • 26 DVDs
  • And the computers were used 60 times.

These numbers show that we have awesome patrons and we appreciate every single one.

September is Library Card Month

At the Jennie Woodworth Library, our library cards are free when you sign up. We require an ID and basic contact information as well as two valid phone numbers with voicemail. Make sure to stop by and get signed up!

We have some exciting programs coming that will require a library card in order to participate.


As part of the Town of White Bluff, we are abiding by the requirements that have been declared. You can see the full disclosure at COVID-19 effective immediatelyFace coverings are required. Materials are in quarantine for 72 hours once they are returned.

Summer Reading Program

Our summer reading program has come to an end. We will have news concerning the TriStar Reads program in the coming weeks. Thank you everybody for participating!



Monday, August 31, 2020

Labor Day, September 7, 2020

The Jennie Woodworth Library will be closed on Labor Day. Our dropbox on the north end of the building will be available for those that are returning materials. 

While your government offices and buildings are typically closed on Labor Day and the vast majority of Americans enjoy family get-togethers and such, do you know why Labor Day is a holiday?


Labor Day is the first Monday in the month of September. This day is set aside in order to honor the laborer. Labor Day became a federal holiday in 1894 because of the American labor movement during the height of the Industrial Revolution.

Why we celebrate?

Just before the end of the 19th century, American workers had 12-hour workdays, 7-days a week. This labor was just to squeak by on. There were even children as young as 5 or 6 that would be working in factories and mines.

The conditions of the workplace for the manufacturing industry was often precarious. Fresh air, sanitary facilities, and safe working conditions were a luxury. Those that were susceptible to these jobs were the poor and recently immigrated.

The labor unions that first developed in the late 18th century became more prominent and began organizing strikes and rallies in order to compel employers to improve both the conditions and the workload. Unfortunately, many of these events became violent. This included the infamous Haymarket Riot of 1886 in Chicago where both policemen and workers were killed.

Other events can be attributed to the tradition of "Labor Day", on September 5, 1882, some 10,000 workers took an unpaid day in order to march in New York City from City Hall to Union Square. This became the first Labor Day parade in U.S. History.

12 years later the employees of the Pullman Palace Car Company went on strike protesting their treatment on May 11, 1894. This was followed by a boycott on June 26, 1894, of the Pullman railway cars that was led by Eugene V. Debs and the American Railroad Union. The resulting onslaught of riots and death forced Congress to legalize the "workingmen's holiday".

Who created Labor Day?

President Grover Cleveland signed the law instituting Labor Day on June 28, 1894. This was done in hopes to repair the relations with American workers and squelch the unrest.

The individual that came up with the idea of the holiday, although both Peter J. McGuire of the American Federation of Labor and Matthew Maguire of the Central Labor Union have both been credited.

Labor Day Celebrations

Many state and local governments went on to adopt the holiday and thus celebrate it. Since Labor Day falls on a Monday, it typically encompasses the entire weekend that it is attached to.

In the past, these celebrations have included parades, picnics, barbeques, fireworks, and other celebrations. Often Labor Day is acknowledged as the end of summer and return to school.

Concluding Thoughts

“The vital force of labor added materially to the highest standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known and has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy,” notes the Labor Department. “It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pays tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation's strength, freedom, and leadership— the American worker.”


History of Labor Day. (n.d.). Retrieved August 11, 2020, from Editors. (2010, April 13). Labor Day 2020. Retrieved August 11, 2020, from

Longley, R. (2019, September 04). The Purpose and History of the US Labor Day Holiday. Retrieved August 11, 2020, from