Saturday, June 15, 2019

Activities for the week of June 17th

Are you enjoying our activities so far?

Spots Pots Pottery will be at the Jennie Woodworth Library June 18thThis is what is going on this week! Bring a friend and join us.

June 18th at 1 pm Story Time with Spots Pots Pottery. We will have a story and then get to enjoy making our own craft! 

June 20th at 4 pm Furry Critters with Randy Hedgepath, state naturalist. Join us as we learn about our local wildlife. Do you have a favorite wild animal? 

Friday, June 7, 2019

Activities for the week of June 10th

We are so excited to share our library with you!

The activities scheduled this week are:

June 11th at 1 pm - Ms. Liz is our story teller and she likes arachnids. Do YOU know what arachnids are? Make sure to come during story time to hear about them.

June 14th at 3 pm - We are having a play date for our younger patrons. Do you like apples to apples? connect 4? checkers? Go fish? Feel free to bring your favorite game or just come along.

Cannot wait to see our friends! And make new ones.