Our goal is to ensure as safe of an
environment as possible while library services resume. We want both the patrons
and staff to know they are valued. We will evaluate these guidelines weekly as
we progress.
Access to
the library will be limited to no more than 10 patrons at a time. Patrons are
expected to follow social distance requirements of at least 6 feet apart.
staff will control access to the library on a first come, first serve basis.
Staff reserves the right to deny access to patrons who appear to be sick, i.e.
coughing, sneezing, etc.
Patrons are
encouraged to wash their hands before entering the library. WEARING A FACE MASK IS REQUIRED.
Computer time is limited to 1 hour.
After each patron is finished with using the computer, the computer will be
wiped/sprayed down with disinfectant. Children's computers will be put away for
now and not used.
Materials are to be returned to the box
that is at the circulation desk. Each returned item will be disinfected
and quarantined a minimum of 24 hours before being available for checkout.
While following the physical distancing
requirements, patrons will be allowed to study and use the free wi-fi service
available throughout the building.
Staff will not be able to provide one on one technology assistance
at this time due to social distancing. Staff will remain at the circulation
desk during hours of operation, if a patron needs assistance they are to come
to the desk and request what they need.
No library programs other than passive
programs will be available at this time.
We will return to our normal operating
hours with the request that the vulnerable and elderly exclusively use the
library from 10-12 Monday – Saturday. All patrons may use the library from 12
until close. (Monday & Thursday 10-6, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday
10-5, and Saturday 10-2)
Frequently touched
surfaces will be disinfected regularly.
We will maintain updated guidelines
posted on the door of the Jennie Woodworth Library and the front door of the
Bibb-White Bluff Civic Center as well as on our Blog and Facebook.